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This is not the first time that North Korea‘s supreme leader has banned a foreign product for being linked to the ‘enemy’. He has previously done so with the South Korean rice cake tteokbokki, or the American stew budae-jjigae, the ‘army base stew’ that combines ramen and kimchi with American cheese, among other ingredients. Kim Jong Jong’s ban now extends to one of America’s and the world’s most beloved fast-food meals: the hot dog.
This food, which has been gaining more and more followers in the South Korean culinary scene, is seen by the leader as a Western symbol that must be eradicated. From now on, serving or selling it in North Korea will be a crime or an act of treason that will lead to those people facing arrest or forced labour in the country’s infamous labour camps. All of this is aimed at curbing the ‘spread of Western culture’ in the country, due to the influence on the media and neighbours such as South Korea.

Another restriction faced by North Korean citizens is the ban on divorce, as it is considered an ‘anti-socialist’ act that requires the approval of the authorities. Those who choose to divorce face penalties of between one and six months of hard labour.