
Viral wine pie arouses love and hate on the net

Así se elabora la tarta más polémica de internet.


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The creator of gastronomic content Juliette, an expert in hacking food and experimenting with it for fun, managed to viralize her version of the wine pie that, like almost everything she does, has generated controversy.

Her video of the ‘wine pie’ has accumulated more than eight million views due to the effect that her unusual elaboration has triggered, in which she pours a bottle of wine over a prepared pie crust and mixes it with a little sugar, a touch of flour, cornstarch, vanilla extract and cinnamon.

User @itsmejuliette does not offer exact measurements for the recipe, but it appears that she adds about a cup of flour, a cup of sugar and a few tablespoons of cornstarch to the wine before baking it for 30-40 minutes.

The wine cake, for which there is no documented lore or classic recipe or the like, is a creation aimed at clickbait, as is the rest of the creator’s content. However, this intention seems to be clear in her profile: to viralize bizarre recipes such as rat-shaped cookies or her pickle cakes.

Following Juliette’s clip, different interpretations of the wine cake followed on TikTok, such as that of @amandamonger, who only adds a few tablespoons of flour to the base with wine, no cornstarch, to bake it for seven minutes.