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Tyra Banks to open new ice cream parlor in Washington

The supermodel announced via Instagram the extension of her project.

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Tyra Banks captured the attention of her entire online community with a post in which she dramatically licks a silver tray with scoops of ice cream to promote the opening of her new SMiZE & Dream store.

‘I’m serving, I’m serving, she’s serving, she’s serving…. She’s serving dahhling ice cream,’ the supermodel says in the video.

The ’90s icon begins to look surprised as the ice cream drips and starts to fall off, feigning a state of panic. ‘It’s dripping,’ she continues, directing a piercing gaze at the camera, as she eats ice cream. ‘It’s in Washington, D.C., and she’s serving, she’s eating…she’s licking.’

The new ice cream shop comes as a summer pop-up extension of SMiZE & Dream’s, which will set up shop in the Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C. to offer an artisanal menu with three Taste Zones ‘that will encourage customers to venture beyond their usual ice cream options,’ the brand expresses in a press release.

The company will also debut a new flavor to finish off the opening celebration: the Cap Hill Crunch, one of Banks’ favorites, which features Cap’n Crunch cereal, handmade Cap’n Crunch toffee and chunks of French toast.