
This was the drink that helped Margot Robbie get a ‘Barbie’ skin

Beyond her incredible genes or the lighting effects, some dietary factors played a role in Margot's almost superficial skin.

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In the script of Greta Gerwig’s ‘Barbie‘underlies a feminist undertone linked to the deconstruction of the clichés and ideas associated with the doll, including its toxic perfectionism. Even so, it cannot be ignored that what emerges on the surface of the audiovisual piece is characterized by beauty and aesthetic splendor, as we could see reflected in Margot Robbie’s skin, and her almost Mattel doll-like appearance. 

And beyond makeup, effects or spotlights to enhance her look, Jasmine Vico, a London-based facialist and skin expert, worked with Robbie, Emma Mackey, America Ferrera and Hari Nef on the film to achieve it.

Among facial treatments or wellness procedures with which to achieve aesthetic ‘perfection’, a very specific tea was included. ‘It’s Barbie and she has to look flawless, so the goal for the skin was to create that halo of light that you often see in 1940s photographs,’ Vico explains to Vogue. ‘In the movies it’s all about the lighting. That’s when I thought, okay, let’s work the liver; calm the nervous system; and make the skin glow, but, most of all, let’s work that glow from the inside.’


Vico achieved that brilliant end result with a cocktail of milk thistle tea. Milk thistle cleanses the liver. When that happens, our liver automatically produces more glutathione, which then makes the skin more radiant.’ One of its most important ingredients is silymarin, which now appears a lot in skin care formulas.’ According to Vico, it has to be the ‘pungent heart of milk thistle.’ In addition, it should be brewed for 20 minutes to get that maximum bitterness to help purge the liver.

Beyond that, milk thistle has other health benefits: it slows cancer growth, lowers cholesterol levels, controls type 2 diabetes, and supports skin, bone and liver health.