
This is what the revolutionary vegan dating app looks like

The vegan revolution continues through this emotional format to share values of love and activism.

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Grazer is presented as the connector to accelerate an eco-sustainable future collectively, in the form of a dating app for veggies that was born in the UK and has been expanding around the world, including Spain.

Because sharing culinary tastes and social struggles such as veganism often become essential in relationships, Grazer is presented as an alternative to ‘canonical’ dating.

The app’s CEO stresses that ‘the goal of the app is not to divide or segregate, but to create a safe space in which to unite. We see Grazer as a catalyst. The goal is to connect the community – how do you find someone you like among 2% of the population,’ said Lewis Foster, CEO of Grazer.

Connection for a cause

In order to alleviate this confrontation through conscious eating or plant based, and following the trail of ‘niche’ applications such as others in which to link the LGTBA community, this social platform projects a new paradigm in which to establish deeper connections between individuals who share the same values and the same diet. An aspect already channeled by Veggly, which is an app for people who do not eat meat.

This kind of ‘vegan-friendly’ Tinder has a simple mechanism that starts from a base or label: specify or identify yourself first as ‘vegan, vegetarian or plant-based’, so that it can culminate in that ‘match’, depending on interests and geographic location.