
This is the new viral chocolate in New York (for which you will have to wait more than an hour in line)

The new viral craze in New York is a hot chocolate topped with a round fluffy cloud surrounding the glass.

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Every now and then there are places that manage to find the formula for success and offer products that go viral, generating thousands of sales. This is the case of the latest sweet and viral phenomenon in New York. It is a viral hot chocolate served in a glass with a flaming fluffy cloud crown, available at GLACE by Noglu, an ice cream parlor located on Upper East Side (New York).

It costs 10 dollars and the menu offers a variety of flavors such as crème brûlée, mint, cookies with cream or s’mores. Of course, if you happen to be in New York and want to try it, you should know that there are long lines with an estimated waiting time of one hour.

Why is it so successful?

Once again, part of the success of this viral chocolate has been thanks to social networks, specifically TikTok. Numerous users have shared their experience tasting it, and many others have discovered it by browsing the suggestions. Likewise, the quality of this hot drink also endorses it and the final touch of the marshmallow also makes it very ‘instagrammable’.

GLACE by Noglu specializes mainly in ice cream, but with the arrival of cold weather, they decided to add a new hot treat to their menu on a temporary basis. To do so, the owner decided to customize a meringue recipe already on the menu to add to the traditional chocolate. With the final touch of flaming that bronzes this kind of sweet cloud and turns it into a ritual that everyone wants to see and taste.

The success has been so overwhelming that during a Saturday they served more than 1,200 hot chocolates, being a sales record for the store. And you, would you wait in line for an hour to try the viral chocolate of New York?