
This is the air-based shake that has revolutionized food

The Air Company is the company that has produced this amazing milkshake made with air.

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When science fiction already seems to be part of real life, this type of food is presented as culinary alternatives with which to decarbonize the planet through sustainable innovation.

This is precisely the philosophy that lies in the DNA of The Air Company, the New York-based company whose scientists are addressing the concerns of astronauts’ daily meals while they are suspended in space.

In this sense, creativity is synchronized with the technological revolution to develop menus for astronauts, and provide a solution to one of the great space missions. That is why NASA opened a contest for ideas that would meet these premises and nutritional needs.

In the contest, one of the finalist products was a nutritional shake whose basic ingredient is human breath. A disruptive production of The Air Company, which revealed some details of the process.

The elaboration of this shake consists in the recycling of carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts. One with which they end up developing yeast-based nutrients in order to dilute the protein shakes.

This protein drink, which has the consistency of a whey protein shake and has a “sweet, almost malty taste,” could thus revolutionize astronauts’ food, and the future on earth, based on air and sustainable innovation.