
This is Primaflor, the winner of the Forbes – Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards in the Agriculture category

The agri-food company received this award at the 2nd edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sutainability Awards, in recognition of its track record and commitment to developing sustainable policies.

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The 2nd edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards was held this Wednesday at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz Hotel in Madrid, where several Spanish family businesses (SMEs and large companies) were awarded for their commitment to the development of sustainable policies in their businesses. In the Agriculture category, the prize was awarded to Primaflor, the agri-food company based in Pulpí (Almería), which has been growing vegetables and flowers since the 1970s. Today, under the Mimaflor brand, it has become a benchmark in the salad and fresh produce sector and a company that is a standard bearer for sustainability.

During the event, Primaflor’s board member and corporate director, Cecilio Peregrín, highlighted the main ingredients that give meaning to sustainability. And these are “the planet, food and people”. The company’s overall priority is to offer a variety of products that comply with all legal food safety requirements, following the highest product quality standards and a sustainable production model, as evidenced in its code of etics.

A benchmark in the agricultural sector

This family business was founded in 1975 in the town of Almeria with the motivation of starting a business based on the care of natural resources. Founded by the Peregrín brothers, they were initially dedicated to the production and commercialization of flowers, always treating them with great care, hence the name of the company.

The company was growing throughout Europe and in the 80’s they started with the production of vegetables, such as iceberg lettuce and buds. Due to their great growth, in the 90’s they expanded their facilities to become the largest supplier of vegetables nationwide. They also expanded their products, with a plant specializing in ready-to-eat peeled garlic and acquiring all the shares of Ensaladas Verdes, with salads being one of the company’s strongholds.

In 2021, it completely renewed its image, changing its commercial name to Mimaflor (following the slogan “Pamper the flower”) and promoting nutritional health through fresh and easy-to-prepare products, to make people’s lives more comfortable and healthy. Of course, always respecting the environment to ensure a sustainable future. Today, Primaflor has a strong presence both nationally and internationally and continues to have innovation and sustainability as its basic pillars.