
This is Importaco, the winner of the Forbes – Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards in the Food category

The leading food and beverage group received this award at the 2nd edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sutainability Awards, in recognition of its track record and commitment to developing sustainable policies.

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The second edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards was held this Wednesday at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz Hotel in Madrid, where several Spanish family businesses (SMEs and large companies) were awarded for their commitment to the development of sustainable policies in their businesses. In the Food category, the award went to Importaco SA, the food and beverage group with strong values around sustainability and the well-being of people and the environment. Brands such as Casa Pons or Agua de Cortes, are some of the businesses that have made this company one of the largest national and European distributors.

During the event, Toño Pons, president of Importaco, stressed that this award was “a recognition of the commitment and work of our entire team to continue with a clear commitment to sustainability”. The Valencian company aims to improve the health and well-being of people through responsible production and consumption, where quality, sustainability and innovation are the three pillars, relying mainly on people, the product and the planet.

From Casa Pons to Itac or Agua de Bronchales

With more than 80 years of experience, this international food group has specialized in the processing, production, packaging and marketing of nuts, dried fruits, dehydrated fruits, chocolate and snacks, as well as in the beverage sector, mainly water, and energy.

In the nuts and dried fruit sector, Importaco has a conglomerate of companies focused on the national and international retail market, the agri-food industry and the food service market. The Casa Pons brand stands out, which for almost 20 years has had Mercadona as its only client. And also its business line Importaco Food Service, as a supplier of dried fruits and nuts for hotel chains such as NH Hotels. It also has Itac Consumer and Itac Professional, with which it also manufactures and sells a wide range of nuts and other similar foods.

Another important line of business is natural beverages, once again focused on Mercadona as an exclusive customer, through brands such as Agua de Cortes, Agua de Bronchales and Font S’Aritja, among others.

A 100% sustainable company

At Importaco, sustainability is one of its basic principles, starting by promoting direct collaboration with farmers, to minimize the risks associated with cultivation and promote local development. Good practices include the sustainable use of chemical products and the efficient use of resources to minimize environmental impact.

Innovation is another of the backbones of this large business group, which works with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to achieve excellence in quality and process, always through measures and strategies where sustainability, responsibility and the value of people, both workers and consumers, are paramount.