
This is Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos, the winner of the Forbes – Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards in the Beverage Category

The wine group received this award at the 2nd edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sutainability Awards, in recognition of its track record and commitment to developing sustainable policies.

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The second edition of the Forbes-Credit Suisse Sustainability Awards was held this Wednesday at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz Hotel in Madrid, where several Spanish family-owned companies (SMEs and large companies) were awarded for their commitment to developing sustainable policies in their businesses. In the Beverages category, the award went to Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos, the family business linked to the wine industry for more than two centuries and with a strong commitment to respecting both the family legacy and sustainability in all areas.

During the event, Gonzalo Entrecanales, CEO of Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos, reaffirmed that the group is “a family and a company that has sustainability in its DNA”. It is one of the company’s strategic pillars, together with excellence, innovation and transparency, with the aim of becoming a benchmark in the sector.

Commitment to sustainability

For Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos, sustainability is essential for the development of the company’s actions in its commitments to quality, the environment, society and good business practices. In fact, its wineries were pioneers in Spain in being carbon neutral and using 100% renewable energy.

They hold the WfCP Certification, the first and only specific certification for the wine sector in terms of environmental sustainability. It is focused on the continuous improvement and sustainability of wineries, through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water management, waste reduction, energy efficiency and renewable energy.

In short, one of the company’s main purposes is to contribute to the generation of value for the wine industry, with a clear commitment to excellence, innovation and the constant search for sustainable solutions. All this results in wines with their own personality.