
These are the caffeinated noodles created for gamers

We reveal the ingredients of these noodles that the Japanese brand Nissin has launched especially for gamers.

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Japan is one of the countries with more gaming culture in the world. Year after year the number of gamers increases and has already exceeded 50 million gamers. So it is not surprising that many brands have found a business vein in this sector. The latest to join has been Nissin, famous for its instant noodle cups. On September 18, it will launch caffeinated noodles that have been specially designed with gamers in mind.

The Japanese brand has created two flavors: Gaming Cup Noodle and Gaming Curry Meshi. Gaming Cup Noodles are made with minced meat (which they call “mystery”), shrimp, egg, cabbage, garlic and black pepper with a soy and pepper sauce. While the Curry Meshi, are made with spicy roux with mild ginger and a base of onion, tomato and pork. But the main peculiarity of these noodles is that they contain some ingredients that are present in other products such as energy drinks. For example, they contain caffeine, arginine -a type of amino acid that helps the body to produce proteins- and also niacin (vitamin B3).

In principle, these yakisoba will be sold exclusively in Japan at a price of 1.78 dollars, while the curry rice will cost 1.89 euros.