
The restaurant in Mallorca, with more than 250 years of history, in which C. Tangana

The artist from Madrid is a great lover of the Balearic island and on this occasion he decided to visit a historic cellar in the north of the island.

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A few weeks ago C. Tangana premiered his documentary Esta ambición desmedida on Movistar+ and now he is in a period of rest until he immerses himself in new projects. During this time, the artist from Madrid is taking the opportunity to travel. One of his latest stops has been the island of Mallorca. Although the singer is little lavished by social networks, we have learned of his visit to the Balearic island thanks to the photo shared by a historic restaurant located in Inca, in the center-north of the island, where the singer enjoyed a gastronomic evening. In the Instagram profile of the restaurant, they detailed that the singer visited them last Thursday.

It is El Celler Can Ripoll, a historical place that is located in an old Celler founded in 1768, that is to say, 256 years ago. Evidently this building is a national heritage site. It began as a wine cellar in the middle of the 18th century, where the workers of Inca used to go to have a drink and fill their wine jugs. A couple of centuries later, in the mid 1940’s, the bodega expanded its services and became a restaurant as well.

A traditional Mallorcan cuisine

Since then, the restaurant has specialized in traditional Mallorcan cuisine. Thirty years ago, the Gual family took over the restaurant and it still maintains the historical essence that characterizes it, with the high ceiling of the cellar and the decoration full of wine barrels.

In the menu, the diners can taste specialties of the island like the Majorcan soups, the croquettes casolanes, cuttlefish with sobrasada, the fried Majorcan, the blind paella, the loin with cabbage or the cod with sobrasada and honey. Of course, the restaurant has a large wine cellar with numerous wines and cavas, some of them from Mallorca, such as Sió de Ribas, Obac de Binigrau or Son Prim Merlot.

Where? Carrer de Jaume Armengol 4, Inca (Mallorca)