
‘The Art Of Canine Cuisine’ is the essential book for foodies with dogs

An edition for the most gourmet pets.

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Deborah K. Davis’ cookbook celebrates the bond between food lovers and their furry friends. Through its pages, unique recipes from around the world, all of which are veterinarian-approved, can be explored.

‘Delight in the exquisite canine-inspired portraits and mouthwatering food photography as you journey through the inspiring stories of rescued dogs. This cookbook is a culinary adventure and a heartwarming celebration of love, culture, and compassion.’

The Art Of Canine Cuisine‘ becomes the ultimate cookbook for gourmets with dogs who want to share special feasts inspired by six international cuisines. With a few tweaks of spices and seasonings, each recipe can be shared with its human “parents”.

The work also includes everything from endearing rescue stories of dogs whose breed represents their country of origin to painted portraits of canine guides that just dilute the artistic side of the book.