
This is the restaurant in Asturias where Ibai Llanos and Gerard Piqué ate

The streamer and the footballer visited a classic Asturian restaurant located in the town of Prendes, which is also the favorite restaurant of chef José Andrés.

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The media stars Gerard Piqué and Ibai Llanos have visited Asturias to record a spot for a brand of milk of which they are the image. And as visiting Asturias without eating in one of its incredible restaurants is almost a sin, the footballer and the streamer decided to stop at a classic of classics. Their choice to recharge their batteries was the restaurant Casa Gerardo, located in the town of Prendes, which has been defending the authenticity of Asturian cuisine since 1882 through five generations of the same family, the Morán family.

Chef Marcos Morán -who shared a picture with Piqué and Llanos- is currently in charge of the kitchen. Together with his father Pedro, they make a perfect duo to offer an experience halfway between tradition and vanguard. I’m sure both Gerrar Piqué and Ibai have tried their famous fabada de Prendes. In their menu they have a section called ‘Platos de cuchara de ayer y de hoy’, which also includes Callos asturianos (Asturian tripe) or Fabes con almejas (beans with clams).

Curiously, Casa Gerardo is also the favorite restaurant of chef José Andrés, whose favorite dessert is the cream of rice pudding from Prendes served in this typical house.

In addition to an excellent menu, Casa Gerardo offers several menus, such as MENU 1882, which they define as the best way to get to know their cuisine of yesterday, today and tomorrow. It costs 125 € and consists of a selection of elaborations of different sizes composed of snacks, tastings and dessert. They also have the FoCo Menu, which is a brief approach to Asturian cuisine, especially its classics (70 €).