
This is Pepe Tomás, the T de Oro restaurant in Murcia that you must visit

Our gastronomic route through Spain today stops in Murcia, specifically at the Pepe Tomás restaurant.

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For the last few weeks we have been showing you one by one the 18 restaurants that have won the T de Oro de Tapas Magazine award. This time we visited Pepe Tomás, located in the town of Torreagüera, 15 minutes from Murcia, which has become one of the gastronomic references of the region.

Pepe Tomás

One of the most interesting corners of the region can be found in the huerta (market garden) of Murcia. Pepe Tomás is one of those places where the product fulfils the same function as the wine. Great waiter service and a cuisine in line with the sensitivity and good work of a team that has revolutionised what was once a typical and traditional restaurant in the huerta of Murcia, to become a reference in cuisine and wine.

Written by: Sergio Gallego

Torreagüera (Murcia). Camino Viejo de Orihuela, 6
968 82 23 76 / Web
Tasting Menu: €64. Menu: €55-65

In addition to the Pepe Tomás restaurant, you can discover the 18 T de Oro restaurants of Tapas Magazine.