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MSCHF caricatures capitalism with scout biscuits

El colectivo artístico hornea esta serie con la que ‘memeifica’ el sistema capitalista y el trabajo infantil.

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The MSCHF scout club, the experimental collective known for subverting popular culture, will now be part of the conversation around the cult of resale and the movement critical of child labour. The mission is this: their scouts will buy the biscuits and resell them for a much higher price, thus feeding the capitalist system. If you resell all 528 boxes of biscuits for $15 each, you will make $6,296 in profit!

‘The Scouts have found a shortcut to gain the trust of their buyers. How can a street vendor selling biscuits (biscuits, of all things!) build the instant rapport needed to convince passers-by to open their wallets?’ the brand asks. ‘Ahh, but imagine if our marketer is actually an adorable child, backed by an organisation synonymous with the ever-youthful, temporarily-inconveniently-millionaire optimism of the American dream? Now we’re cooking with gas. And when enjoying such tremendous popular goodwill, what’s a young, full-blooded American to do but SELL, SELL, SELL!’.

MSCHF thus presents a biscuit kit for the scouts that includes the flavours ‘Treasury Mints’, ‘Caramel Cashouts’ and ‘Peanut Butter Profits’; plus a series of items that just stimulate the original idea: a table-top display of biscuits, a sash with patches, a T-shirt guide, caps or neckerchiefs. There are only three kits available and, at the moment, they are all sold out. However, explore the MSCHF website for more information about their Scouts.