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McAtlas takes the reader on a tour of McDonald’s regional dishes

Gary He is the photographer behind this exciting work for chain lovers.

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The worldwide guide to the Golden Arches is soon to be released. Evocatively titled ‘McAtlas‘, the book features more than 200 photographs that Gary He captured in 55 countries on six continents, along with field notes and historical research on the fast food chain he reveres.

It is a work that this guru of McDonald’s supremacy has been working on since 2018 with the aim of taking readers on a journey through the McWorld, showing a ‘hidden’ side to his fandom that they may not have known about.

The author thus offers an alternative view of the chain in great detail in this colourful piece focusing on the international peculiarities served at McDonald’s beyond its classics. Examples include the French McBaguette and Filipino McSpaghetti, both of which have gone viral on the internet in recent years. But he also recounts lesser-known architectural curiosities on display at far-flung franchises, such as a glass ‘teardrop-shaped spaceship’ in Batumi, Georgia, and the world’s only skiable McDonald’s, buried in snowdrifts 200 miles north of Stockholm, Sweden.

McAtlas will go on sale in November 2024 for about $49.95.