
Mark Zuckerberg is such a fan of McDonald’s Japan that he even asks to be given a star

The founder and CEO of Meta is visiting Japan and did not hesitate to show his love for McDonald’s gastronomic proposal in this country.

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Mark Zuckerberg is currently on a business trip to Asia, but he has also taken the opportunity to go with his wife Priscilla Chan, who is accompanying him on his tour of Japan, South Korea and India. In addition to sharing on his networks some moments related to his work, the CEO of Meta is also publishing other experiences such as his learning to make katanas or his most foodie moments. Zuckerberg has always made clear his love for McDonald’s, but his visit to Japan has just corroborated it.

El pedido de McDonald's que comieron Mark Zuckerberg y su esposa.
El pedido de McDonald’s que comió Mark Zuckerberg con su esposa.

The businessman shared a menu consisting of fries, chicken nuggets, three burgers, two drinks, edamame and corn. But that’s not all, because Mark accompanied the images with a text in which he joked that Japan’s McDonald’s deserved a Michelin star: “Japanese McDonald’s: 10/10. Give these guys a Michelin star”, he detailed in a post that has already accumulated more than 320 thousand likes, and in which his wife also appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

Among the different proposals served by the chain in Japan, the Teriyaki McBurger or Teriyaki Chicken stand out, as well as McShaker potatoes with Ume-Nori salt. Not forgetting the original Churros Hitoki, mini Churros filled with chocolate, with a clear Spanish reference.

McDonald’s, also in Zuckerberg’s daily diet

This is not the first time Zuckerberg has visited McDonald’s. In fact, a few months ago he revealed in his Threads app that he was on a diet of 4,000 kcal per day because, with all the sport he practiced, he needed such an intake in order not to lose weight. In addition, in that same app the tycoon also interacted with the profile of the hamburger chain, following a question from the brand about what McDonald’s products to order. His answer was: “20 nuggets, a quarter pounder, large fries, an Oreo McFlurry, an Apple Pie and maybe some cheeseburgers for later,” he joked.

Do you think, like Mark Zuckerberg, McDonald’s would also deserve recognition as the star?