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Mare’s milk could change the future of the ice cream industry

Would you eat mare’s milk ice cream?

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What for many could be considered an advance or evolutionary act, for others it will be reviled and/or will generate a certain rejection. Mare’s milk has just arrived in the ice cream industry, for the moment, on an experimental basis, with the aim of eventually being introduced into the Western diet.

The future of ice cream is now galloping towards a new paradigm based on the modification of its classic ingredients. Instead of cow’s milk and cream, ice cream could now be made with mare’s milk: an experiment carried out by a team of scientists at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Poland. They tested this idea by creating four types of ice cream that they would report on their health benefits.

The results of the scientific experiment

After research with ice cream by the clan of scientists, sixty volunteers tested their result. Well, according to the participants, their ice cream and yogurt are top notch. They described them as creamy, with a pleasant texture and visual appeal. The mare’s ice cream samples were enriched with yogurt cultures, as well as inulin, a source of energy for the intestinal flora.

Consuming mare’s milk is not so strange when you broaden your vision and learn the history. This type of milk has been important in Mongolian culture for thousands of years, where it has been fermented into airag, a potent alcoholic beverage with health benefits.

In this regard, mare’s milk contains a naturally high lactose content, a low casein/whey ratio, contains nutritious bioactive compounds, proteins, cultures and enzymes. In addition, it is slow digesting, so it could be a great alternative for those who are sensitive to cow’s milk products.