Nombres propios

Man of the day: Gonzalo Entrecanales, chairman of Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos, acquires historic La Tula vineyard

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The son of José Manuel Entrecanales, chairman of Acciona, and María Carrión, photographer, restaurateur and president of the NGO Musicians in Action, is in charge of the executive presidency of the Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos family winery. Now, he is adding another winemaking project to a historical legacy of more than two centuries: the acquisition of the La Tula vineyard by the winemaking group she manages.

The wine company will extend its presence to six Spanish designations of origin, after achieving remarkable results, such as a turnover of 28.9 million in 2022, which has allowed it to remain at the top of the sector at a national level.

Gonzalo Entrecanales plays a key role in continuing the legacy and history of the family business, which is now extending its influence by acquiring one of the most important wineries in Jerez, the La Tula vineyard, which will allow Entrecanales Domenecq to produce a single-vineyard wine in the vineyard itself. This is a strategic move with which the company intends to reinforce its concept of boutique projects, which Gonzalo has been leading for the last four years.

We have embarked on a project that requires special dedication. That is why we will take a few years to study the vineyard in depth and come up with a wine that conveys the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of its unique soils and climatology’, he reveals in relation to the operation.

With the purchase of La Tula, Entrecanales Domecq e Hijos brings together in its universe more than six projects in the most important appellations of origin in Spain, including wineries such as ‘Caserío de Dueñas’, attached to the D.O. Rueda and based in Villaverde de Medina (Valladolid) or ‘Finca Anzil’, attached to the D.O. Toro and based in Villanueva del Puente (Zamora).