
Luis Suárez de Lezo is the new president of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy

The candidacy chaired by Academician Luis Suárez de Lezo has been elected to lead the new Board of Directors of the RAG.

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This morning the plenary session of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy unanimously elected the candidacy chaired by Academician Luis Suárez de Lezo to lead a new Board of Directors. In this way, Suárez de Lezo becomes the new President of the institution, to lead the RAG, whose board will be composed of “highly accredited professionals”. As he explained, he will also approach this stage with the aim of consolidating the role of Spanish gastronomy as “an indisputable, transformative, innovative and sustainable economic engine” and the Royal Academy as “the leading reference and interlocutor of gastronomy”.

Luis Suárez de Lezo has been President of the Madrid Academy of Gastronomy for the last 7 years, a period in which, among other things, he created the Gastronomy Awards of the Community of Madrid, an event that has established itself as a gastronomic reference in the city and that boosted the Madrid gastronomic sector from a social, cultural, economic and sustainability point of view.

The board chaired by Suárez de Lezo will also be made up of 11 highly committed professionals, with proven track records in different and varied fields of work and who are eager to put all their experience at the service of gastronomy in this new stage. Some of these personalities are Ángel Parada (as Vice President), Miguel Loya (as General Secretary) or Rosa Vañó (as Treasurer).

Gastronomy, as a claim and heritage

For Suárez de Lezo -who has also headed the Alcobendas Businessmen’s Association for years-, gastronomy has a vindictive component, to recover traditions, to support the work of producers and artisans, to boost tourism and to innovate and take risks. It is in the very essence of society, it is a great economic asset and a vector of equality and sustainability and is, therefore, a window that shows us our heritage and builds bridges between its past, present and future.

In his first words after the appointment, he assured that we will be “the voice of Spanish gastronomy inside and outside our country and a symbol of Spanish Cultural Heritage”.