
How to prepare the Huerta Sorbet, the most refreshing recipe of BARRO restaurant

We show you the step by step of this dish that is triumphing this summer at the restaurant in Avila, take note!

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Do you dare to prepare the haute cuisine and healthy version of a classic like the traditional sorbets of wedding banquets? It may seem somewhat incompatible, but Carlos Casillas, chef of BARRO in Avila, one of the most successful restaurants of this 2023, has prepared his particular version of this dish giving rise to the Sorbet of Huerta, a proposal that in its preparation opts for the minimum sugar content in its preparation, extolling the acidity to achieve the most refreshing notes. We have the young chef’s recipe for you to prepare at home this fresh cream of zucchini stems, an acidulated tomato gel, pickled mustard and thin slices of mini zucchini with green lemon.

Vegetable Garden Sorbet recipe by Carlos Casillas (BARRO)


  • For the acidulated tomato gel:
    • 3 kg of penumbra tomato from Hortícola Cebreros
    • 0.4 kg of tomato skins kombucha with oak base
    • 0.05 g tomato garum
    • 4 g of iota
    • Soup spoon salt
  • For the pickled mustard:
    • Raw mustard seeds
    • Vinegar
    • Bay leaf
    • Peppercorns
  • For the cream of zucchini stems:
    • 0.2 kg onion
    • 0.1 kg carrot
    • 0.25 kg potato
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 1 kg milk
    • 0.4 kg water
    • 0.5 kg zucchini stalks
    • 0.1 kg cream
    • 0.05 kg aspergillus awamori koji
    • 0.025 kg lacto-fermented granny’s deviled chili paste
    • Tablespoon of salt
    • Tablespoon ground pepper
    • Tablespoon of dried hay
  • To finish:
    • Mingogil EVOO produced by Comando G
    • Green lemon
    • Mini zucchini
    • Zucchini flower


  • Tomato gel:
    • Place the whole tomatoes in the OCOO in “decoction” mode for 8 hours. Collect all the juice they release and filter through a cheesecloth. Weigh 600 g of this tomato water together with 400 g of kombucha from tomato skins. Dissolve 4 g of iota in 200 g of this cold mixture and bring to a boil. Mix with the rest of the juice and add the tomato garum. Let 20 g of this mixture set in the bottom of the dishes.
  • Pickled mustard:
    • Cook the mustard from cold water 4 times, washing well under the tap each time. In this way, the bitterness will be eliminated. Once this process is done, pickle in a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water, where we will infuse the bay leaf and peppercorns.
  • Zucchini cream:
    • Slowly poach the vegetables in oil until lightly caramelized. On the other hand, smoke the milk by burning hay and extinguishing the flame with cold milk. Cover the smoking container with film and let it stand for 10 minutes.
    • Once the vegetables are well poached, add the stems, water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Remove the bay leaves. Finally add the rest of the ingredients and blend in Thermomix at speed 9 for 4 minutes.
    • Strain through a fine strainer to remove any fibers from the stems.
  • Final steps:
    • Slice the mini zucchini with a truffle slicer or mandolin. Cook in microwave for 30 seconds with a few drops of oil.
  • Plating:
    • On top of the tomato gel place three dots of pickled mustard. Place another 3 pieces of raw zucchini flower.
    • Cover with the cold mashed stems.
    • Grate green lemon and add a few drops of Mingogil EVOO.
    • Arrange the zucchini slices one by one in rows.
    • Finish with 9 lemon thyme leaves.