
How to prepare baba ganoush, the Arabic dipping recipe that takes 15 minutes to prepare

We teach you how to prepare this dish similar to hummus, which is ideal for the summer season.

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We bring you an easy and very delicious recipe from Arab cuisine, especially from Lebanese food. It is the baba ganush (or baba ganoush, mutabal in Egypt, or directly eggplant pate). It is a dish that can be prepared in 15 minutes and is ideal for the summer season: fresh and to be served with whatever you like. So if you are a hummus lover, you also have to prepare baba ganush at home. Take note!

Lebanese baba ganoush recipe


  • 2 eggplants
  • 1 tablespoon tahini paste
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1 Greek yogurt (optional)
  • Salt and ground pepper
  • A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil


  • The first thing to do is to cut the eggplant in half and cook it (grilled, baked, microwaved or with the Air Fryer) until the inside of the eggplant softens and falls apart (about 15 minutes). Let it cool and remove the skin.
  • In a bowl, put the eggplant, add the tahini with the rest of the ingredients and mash gently until everything is well integrated, with a creamy puree texture.
  • Let it cool and you can eat it with pita bread, vegetable crudités or as an accompaniment to any dish.