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Flirting with a pineapple: the new viral sensation that arrives at Mercadona

The so-called ‘Hacendado Tinder’ is presented as the latest way to connect in the supermarket.

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A new trend has emerged related to the current love culture overstimulated by dating apps. It consists of a technique for flirting in Mercadona at an exact time in which to feel that live connection between food.

That connection typology that became popular during the pandemic era in supermarkets, is now updated in a new version: singles now go to Mercadona between seven and eight o’clock in the evening, as the lapse in which to give rise to that interaction in real life.

Users are illustrating this reality online through platforms such as TikTok, Instagram or X with videos with tips, keys or explanations with which to optimize this viral flirting format that awaits behind a whole language or code system.

The procedure is as follows: take a pineapple and place it upside down in the cart. The fruit becomes the symbol to interpret that the person is interested, single or available. The person must then go to the wine section and bump the cart with the person you want to interact with.

I can’t take it anymore, who is making this up. I’m imagining the bumper cars in the aisles of Mercadona’, says one of the users who has shared this experience that is causing a national sensation.