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One of the world’s leading Cicerone experts answers some questions that Eating Well asked him in order to answer some of the questions we have all had about beer. The person in question is Neil Witte, one of the 22 Master Cicerones who holds the highest level of the ‘World Cicerone Certification Programme’, along with more than two decades of experience in the beer business.
That expertise in the world of beer leads him to answer quite accurately when asked about whether or not the beverage expires. Beer does expire, but not in the same way that many people think of it when they think of food in particular,’ he explains. Other things we eat and drink are at risk of developing pathogenic bacteria that can make humans sick. Because of the alcohol content of beer and the presence of hops, which have antimicrobial properties, there is no pathogenic growth,’ explains Witte. The worst thing that can happen to beer when it gets old is that it tastes bad.

Shelf life of beer
According to Witte, each beer has a different shelf life. Its flavour or essence is diluted depending on the alcohol and malt content. In fact, there are some beers that, like wine, are brewed with maturation in mind, such as Imperial Stout, which are made for people to drink in a couple of years.
However, if it is not a beer that is intended to age, the expert recommends drinking the beer as fresh as possible. A tip that applies, above all, to hoppy styles such as IPAs. Witte points out that while it is the antimicrobial properties of hops that prevent pathogenic growth in beer, they are also one of the most delicate characteristics of beer, and one of the first to show signs of ageing.
Just as with other types of beverages or liquids the best-before date is more defined, in the case of beer it is more difficult to detect, as manufacturers ‘are not obliged to put the packaging date’, but other information such as alcohol volume and brand name are: ‘Brewers are not obliged to provide consumers with the packaging date for the best-before date,’ says Witte. Some brewers include clues, such as the best-before date or even the brewing date, but they are not obliged to do so.