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Courteney Cox jokes about how New Yorkers eat pizza

The 'Friends' actress posted a video joking about the matter and it didn't take long for her to get criticized by haters. Now Cox responds with another jocular video.

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In recent years, Courteney Cox has not stopped showing her culinary skills on social networks. If a few weeks ago we showed you the actress’s recipe to make the best cookie, today we bring you a tutorial that the star of Friends published a few months ago. It is a video in which she explains how “real” New Yorkers eat pizza. In the post, in which the joking tone is clearly noticeable, Courteney has fun listing the supposed steps of the New York ritual.

First, you have to cut off the tip of the portion with a knife and fork, previously removing the excess fat and oil with a napkin. Next, the actress clarifies that a “real” New Yorker would remove the cheese and the rest of the ingredients by dragging them to the edge, to end up eating only that part. Whereas a Sicilian (and environs) would roll the pizza like a pie.

In the wake of the video, it didn’t take long for numerous comments to appear criticizing the actress’s senseless ritual. Now, seven months later, Courteney has returned to the fray with a video replying to all those haters. In the post, the actress shows the string of messages she received, ending with, “I’m so sorry. I know how to do it. I was just kidding.” With the sense of humor that already characterizes her, the actress ends the video asking the pizzeria clerk if she can order a pizza with cauliflower rim. What do you think of the humor of the unforgettable Monica Geller?