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Cheese has been said to be as addictive as a drug, according to a study by the University of Michigan. It is not surprising that it is one of the foods that arouses most passions. In fact, in countries such as France, Italy and Switzerland, each person consumes on average more than 20 kg of cheese per year. So, if we told you that a company is paying €1,000 just to eat cheese every night for 3 months, you would surely apply.
The company that has launched this curious initiative is Sleep Junkie, dedicated to carrying out studies to analyse why and how sleep affects our daily lives, to make it easier for people to sleep and thus lead a happier and healthier life. To do this, they carry out different actions such as testing new mattresses or pillows or research like the ones we tell you about below.
Dairy dreamers to test whether eating cheese causes nightmares
It has always been said that eating cheese at night can cause nightmares. With this in mind, Sleep Junkie wants to hire a team of ‘dairy dreamers’ to test the real impact of eating cheese on sleep quality, energy levels and the likelihood of nightmares.

Those chosen will receive a remuneration of €1,000 for becoming cheese testers. Cheese-related expenses will also be covered by the company. It is a very simple job. These dairy dreamers will be your official cheese testers and will have to consume different types of cheese every week, such as blue, hard, soft-ripened and processed cheese, as well as vegan and lactose-free cheeses. During the process, they will give their honest opinion on how it affects their quality of sleep.
To participate in this study, you must meet a number of requirements: you must be at least 21 years old, own a smartwatch or fitness tracker that tracks your sleep, have a consistent sleep schedule and be able to sleep alone during the tests. You must also have no sleep problems and no dairy or lactose intolerances. The project will start in March and will last for 3 months. At the end of the study, the dreamer will receive a compensation of €1,000. If you are from the US and want to apply for this “job”, you can leave your application here.