
Burger King opens its first Whopper museum

MUSEUM OF THE WHOPPER®’ sets up shop in Madrid to pay tribute to the chain’s most iconic burger.

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The fast food chain celebrates its most representative hamburger with an immersive experience in which to delve into the depths of the WHOPPER universe.

In its Madrid premises located at Calle Ibiza, 56, Burger King has opened this museum in which to be stimulated through history, a series of curiosities about the product, and a photographic exhibition of its fandom. Thus, in this themed space, visitors have the option of learning about the origins and the course of this hamburger that never goes out of fashion.

This ephemeral museum, which will be open until 24 June, is a special tribute to the timeless burger on the BK menu, following its relaunch at the end of April, continuing to nurture the legacy of this 70-year old creation.

In the wake of this opening, Burger King® commissioned the market analysis company GfK* to carry out a study in order to find out to what extent its brand has penetrated the hearts of Spaniards, forming part not only of our country’s gastronomic culture, but also of traditions and memories. More than 60% of Spaniards surveyed say that Whopper® has accompanied them in different celebrations throughout their lives and, among them, half of them remember that it has been part of those good times on more than three occasions. We want to continue to win over fans with our unique flavour, forming part of their lives thanks to the good times they enjoy and share, and which are ultimately responsible for them considering your brand as iconic’, reflects Inés Arnal, Marketing Director of Burger King® Spain.