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Brinner: when breakfast for dinner becomes a trend

The ritual is reversed to be experienced at nightfall.

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The new generations never stop creating and reimagining the culinary world, creating new concepts that end up going viral or, failing that, dying in the immense viral ocean. In this case, one in particular seems to have achieved this redemption: the fusion between ‘breakfast‘ and ‘dinner‘ in the form of a macro-trend that lasts over time.

The ‘brinner’ has managed to transcend all the algorithmic parameters of Instagram and Tiktok thanks to a wave of content creators who constantly share their experiences through the hastag #brinner. Within that tag, they have thus shaped a sort of digital micro-universe full of scenic menus, colorful dishes, professional cappuccinos, tempting milkshakes, croissants in buckets or other unusual shapes.

Sweet and salty

Within the ‘BRINNER‘ spectrum, there seem to be no rules. Everyone assembles it as they like, combining sweet and savory dishes. The former can include pancakes, croissants, waffles, muffins, cookies, cereals or muesli, rusks with sweet spreads or jams. For the savory version, the user can create combinations of sandwiches, canapés, avocado toast, eggs or cheeses to pair with drinks such as prosecco milk, fruit juices or cocktails. Everything is allowed here.


The beginnings of this trend can be traced back to Australia at the beginning of the last century, when a breakfast specialist named Bill Granger realized that the typical foods of the morning meal were becoming more and more popular at dinner time. Thus the brinner was born.

As time went by, this ritual and/or nocturnal vision of brunch spread all over the planet, having a strong impact, especially in the United States. This is demonstrated not only by the networks, but also by the succession of establishments that, especially in large cities, dedicate more space to breakfast in the evening.

Nationally, the trend has reached restaurants like Club Financiero, which offers an exquisite ‘Night Brunch’ in the evening. Its ‘in the club’ menu -which will evolve throughout the summer- is characterized by the fusion of flavors in bites traveled with spicy and acid touches.

A journey that diners can experience through dishes such as its Pizza Lito with Stracciatella base with spinach and truffle, its semi-cured Zamburiña with piparras emulsion and mustard caviar or its Tiradito of bluefin tuna with ponzu sauce, sweet potato and buttered corn on the cob. The experience is further diluted with ‘The Other Hugo’ cocktail designed by Luca Anastasio: a refreshing creation that includes Heineken beer, elderflower liqueur and light mint foam.