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Food aid in Valencia must cover all the needs and culinary alternatives that require a special supply for this purpose. In order to meet some latent shortages in the worst affected areas of the DANA, Roberto Bosquet has mobilised his entire team to feed the coeliac community.
After publishing his new cookbook ‘Todos a la mesa’, the media chef, like countless other people and residents of the affected territories, had to stop his life and his agenda for a matter of extreme urgency: to recruit the workers of his health food restaurant Naked & Salted to deliver gluten-free food to the population affected by the catastrophe. Since the beginning of the month, his team has been delivering hot rations to hundreds of people who have not been able to eat properly since the Dana devastated everything.
Bosquet’s solidarity action then consisted of supplying the food needs that persisted in the zero zone of the Dana, based on a healthy philosophy, from points such as the Convento Santa Clara, 8. And not only in collaboration with his own team, but also with organisations such as Acecova, the association of coeliacs in Valencia, with which he has been able to amplify this aid to the affected populations.
Since 1 November, Bosquet has been handing out hot meals such as stews, soups, vegetable soups or legume dishes to feed those affected by the tragedy, offering nutritious and tasty meals in the midst of chaos and decay.