
Jevi Jaus arrives to revolutionize burger delivery in Madrid

Madrid goes Jevi.

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Jevi Jaus subverts the national scene with its burgers that fuse tradition and modernity based on an urban identity eclipsed by graphic magic.

Brothers Fernando and Cristian are behind this project that connects with the zeitgeist through a diverse and sustainable concept that reflects their collective passion for cooking; as well as the need to create a disruptive brand that would make an impact within the burger delivery industry.

The brand presents a curated selection of traditional recipes reinvented through an avant-garde twist that translates into dishes such as the shredded oxtail burger -inspired by a national award-winning recipe from the restaurant “El Imperio” in Madrid, which they own-; as well as the grilled artichoke burger with romesco and vegan cheese.

The whole proposal is fueled by a sustainable philosophy, and is made with quality ingredients such as their meats from Avila, which come from local and small-scale producers; which prioritize fair trade practices.

JEVI JAUS‘ encapsulates a modern and cool spirit that makes the whole structure of this urban house of burgers. ‘We want to be that place where you feel authentic, unrestricted, living the true Jevi spirit,’ comment Fernando and Cristian. “We understand that diversity is key, and that’s why we have created a brand that constantly innovates, adapting to different styles and preferences. We move away from massified offers, betting on a small, but representative and inclusive menu’, add the brothers.

For those who want to accompany or extend the culinary experience of their burgers, they also serve two special starters, three “so rich, so nice” potato options, as well as their amazing sweet burgers for dessert. In addition, all burgers can be ordered gluten-free, suitable for coeliacs, and there are options for vegetarians and vegans.