
A bag of Cheetos disrupts the ecosystem of a cave in the US

El impacto de este acto incidental acabó siendo enorme.

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The setting for this ecological nightmare was the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. One person would throw a bag of Cheetos in there, setting off a chain reaction of negative effects in its underground ecosystem.

Within hours, the processed corn from the Cheetos formed mould everywhere, spreading from the floor to the ceiling and nearby formations. It invaded everything, leading crickets, spiders and other insects to flock to the bag, distributing nutrients throughout the cave. After all the chaos, the contamination spread.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park officials said the Cheetos remains provided an ideal environment for fungi and microbial life, as the processed corn from the snack was softened by the moisture in the cave. This is why eating and drinking is not allowed in the caves.

The NPS reported that rangers spent about 20 minutes removing mould and foreign detritus from the cave surfaces. On the scale of the human perspective, a spilled bag of snacks may seem trivial, but to the life of the cave it can change the world,’ they said.