Nombres propios

Revolution, Re-evolution and Redefinition: this is what the new DiverXO will be like

Dabiz Muñoz actualiza los códigos del restaurante a través de su filosofía vanguardista.

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This season we are going to cross frontiers we have never explored before. We’re going to break down physical and mental barriers. We are going to break down the DNA to update it, healthier and more exuberant than ever’, says Dabiz Muñoz in a video on Instagram in which he talks about all the innovations that he will implement in his restaurant in the near future.

The best chef in the world has thus shared a post in which he reflects all those changes that will be carried out ‘despite the creative fear’. According to him, the idea behind it all is to emphasise the experience when you walk through the doors of DiverXO. We’re going to blow your mind and blow your taste buds away’.

The surreal experience at DiverXO will revolve around three concepts: Revolution, Re-evolution and Redefinition. The latter will be constant. And it will be reflected in every flavour, every texture, every technique and every smell that will take diners to places they have never experienced before; as through its dishes spread out in the glass on the basis of its liquid cuisine.

Muñoz also presents another of the restaurant’s novelties based on the idea of ‘avant-garde or die’: a new uniform with which they will once again break with their history. This will consist of a plaid suit with spikes on the shoulders. He also reveals that they are working on a new location, returning to the neighbourhoods of Madrid.

The revolution of the senses begins now‘.