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Arrocerías Pons grows by 34% after increasing its sales in Mercadona

El proveedor de arroz de Mercadona multiplica por tres sus ganancias.

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The company has earmarked 3.5 million euros for the creation of a new production line in Massanassa, with an 8% growth in sales by 2024, driven by its success in Spain and Mercadona’s expansion in Portugal.

The Arrocerías Pons Group, a rice supplier for Mercadona, closed the 2023 financial year with a turnover of 125 million euros, an increase of 34% compared to the previous year. This growth, considered a milestone for the company, has been driven by increased sales to strategic customers, including Juan Roig’s supermarket chain and various industries in Spain and Europe. According to the company, Mercadona’s expansion in Portugal is leading to sustained and significant growth in this market.

Arrocerías Pons has two production plants located in Massanassa (Valencia) and Don Benito (Badajoz), from where it processes and packages different varieties of rice adapted to the needs of its customers. It also has two industrial units dedicated to rice drying and storage in Catarroja and Sollana (Valencia), which ensure a continuous supply of high quality raw material throughout the year. The company, which employs 140 workers, continues to consolidate its position in the national rice sector.

In line with its strategy of sustainable growth, Arrocerías Pons has decided to reinvest the 3.5 million euros obtained as a net result in 2023 in the creation of a new production line at its Massanassa plant. The main objective of this investment is to increase production capacity to meet the growing demand for its products, while guaranteeing continuous improvement in the quality and efficiency of its processes, according to the company.

The new line will be equipped with advanced technology, which will optimise the use of resources, reduce production times and minimise environmental impact. With this initiative, Arrocerías Pons reaffirms its commitment to innovation and sustainability, key pillars of its business model.

New production line and Mercadona’s expansion in Portugal

The new production line is scheduled to come on stream in the last quarter of 2024. The company estimates that it will achieve sales of more than 95 million kilos of rice that year, representing a turnover of approximately 135 million euros. These figures represent an increase of 11% in volume and 8% in value compared to 2023.

Arrocerías Pons also aims to continue consolidating its market position by diversifying its product range and strengthening its relationships with key customers, both in Spain and in other European countries. Demand for its products in the Spanish market has shown a very positive trend, backed by consumer confidence in the quality and variety of its range.

Likewise, Mercadona’s expansion in Portugal is contributing to a steady growth in sales volume in that market. The company, committed to sustainability, stresses that continuous improvement in the quality of its products is one of the main reasons behind its good results.