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Boozeflation: why are cocktails so expensive?

Inflation also dissolves in mixology.

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From trendy alcoholic versions such as the Aperol Spritz or the Espresso Martini to ‘mocktails‘ or their counterparts and/or mock cocktails that replicate them without spirit stimulation. Whether the latter, as the liquid portrait of a generation embracing both mental and physical health, cult classics or new trends, the reality is that they all have in common a collective price hike, especially in the United States.

This is reported by Delish, which describes the rise as an effect of the pandemic hangover, and the inflation of both craft cocktails and classic drinks. That shift has been reflected particularly in cocktails of the year, such as those mentioned above, with price rises of between 4% and 6% since 2023, according to data from F&B Insights. And that far exceeds the overall inflation rate of 3% between 2023 and 2024.

According to Forbes, Espresso Martini prices have increased by 10% since the beginning of 2023. Average prices now range between $15 and $18 in US bars, according to F&B Insights.

Beyond cocktails in particular, there is the price of alcohol. Between the end of 2020 and the end of 2022, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for alcohol saw the largest increase in 40 years, according to The Washington Post. And if the cost of bottles goes up, so will cocktail prices as a direct consequence of both business costs and our sober drinking habits.