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Altered: the experience of chef Chazz Titus that fuses art, design and gastronomy

Se trata de una propuesta disruptiva que adentra al comensal en un ritual sensorial e inmersivo.

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Titus gastronomic laboratory emerged in 2022 in collaboration with Vanessa Redondo, founder of the We Crave Food Design Studio. The chef, who has just been recognised in Mexico with a Michelin Star and a Green Star for the restaurant Los Danzantes Oaxaca, thus leads the Altered by We Crave project that synthesises design, art and gastronomy in a single concept.

This fusion serves up an immersive and memorable sensory experience in the Barrio de Las Salesas that combines the identity of the We Crave culinary design studio, with dishes capable of transcending and generating emotions and memories, with the high-level cuisine and sustainable commitment of chef Chazz Titus. This shared narrative is transferred to an avant-garde proposal for breakfasts and meals presented in this stimulating space.

Altered is not just a tasting space, but a laboratory of gastronomic innovation. Here we explore new ways of knowing, valuing and enjoying food, creating dishes that are as much a work of art as they are a culinary experience’, says Chazz about the Madrid project. Vanessa, for her part, reflects that ‘Altered is a space where I can share my passion for gastronomy in a close environment. The trust and collaboration with Chazz allows us to create an authentic and exciting offer, based on our intuition and creativity’.

Culinary works

The result is minimalist, sophisticated and unpretentious dishes that dilute the connection between art and craft. I love to play with asymmetry in my dishes, which is why I always use odd numbers in their composition. The point is always to achieve a high visual impact and the maximum prominence of the main ingredient’, says Vanessa. Minimalism is undoubtedly another of the great protagonists, says Vanessa: ‘When you work with an extraordinary product, the important thing is to let the flavours express themselves, that the purity of the ingredient is the protagonist and the components that accompany it are elements of contrast, texture and flavour, which together create a special synergy beyond the sum of its parts’.

Entre las opciones permanentes, que gozan de gran popularidad desde su apertura, destacan la Tosta de Setas, Mantequilla de Avellanas y Hierbas; el Grød, Avena al Estilo Danés con Fruta de Temporada, Granola, Nueces Tostadas y Caramelo Salado; el Consomé de Boletus con Setas al Vapor, Fideos de Arroz y Aceite de Shiitake; la Ensalada de Pollo Confitado con Lascas de Hinojo, Gajos de Naranjas Navel y Sanguina y Emulsión Cítrica con Pimentón de La Vera; o el Grilled Cheese de Ossau Iraty con Bacon y Emulsión de Yema.

The 2024 menu includes dishes such as the Iberian and Blue Tomato Slice Toast, Iberian Shoulder and Extra Virgin Olive Oil; the Creamy Yoghurt flavoured with Tonka Bean, Yellow Lemon Cream, Almond Crumble and Forest Fruits; or the Crispy Green Salad, made with Bobby Beans, Tirabeques, Bimi and Green Asparagus, accompanied with a Ginger and Furikake Vinaigrette.

With an intimate seating capacity for only 16 diners in the main area and 6 more in a private area, Altered by We Crave will offer a close and exclusive service.

‘Chef’s Table’ con Chazz Titus

At the end of the summer, Altered by We Crave will also introduce a new concept of pop-up dinners, intimate, by reservation and only on weekends, where you can enjoy a creative haute cuisine experience designed by Chazz Titus. This will consist of a five-course tasting menu, which will evolve and renew itself over time.