
Georgia restaurant adds extra fee for ‘bad parents’

A restaurant in rural Georgia has added a controversial fee for parents whose children misbehave.

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As if it were an Adults Only hotel, a restaurant in Georgia has decided to add an extra fee by which it will charge a surcharge to those parents whose children misbehave during their stay on the premises. Specifically, this additional fee is visible on the restaurant’s menu with the following information: “Adult surcharge: for adults who cannot be parents $$$”. As expected, this measure has caused a diversity of opinions, going viral in different media.

The restaurant in question is Toccoa Riverside, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia. It is an idyllic setting, with the river in the background and an ideal corner for hiking. Very popular with families, it seems that this type of diners are not preferred by the owners of Toccoa Riverside, who have decided to warn in advance in their menu that adults must control the younger ones if they do not want to pay the controversial extra fee.

Up to $50 extra in the bill

On pages such as Reddit, where a user shared a photo of the menu where this additional fee appears, a debate has been formed with disparity of opinions. To the message on Reddit that says “This restaurant charges you more for being a bad parent”, all kinds of comments have been added. On the one hand, there are people who agree with the controversial measure and claim that this restaurant has been charging the fee for quite some time. While others criticize it, since children have to be children and, sometimes, they don’t behave so well.

There are even comments from some of the victims that, apparently, the restaurant charged them up to $50 extra on the final bill for the “bad behavior” of the children. However, if we look at the restaurant’s average rating on Google, it seems that it has more followers than detractors, since it has a total of 2,045 reviews and an average of 4.1 stars.