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When the last customer leaves and the team takes a deep breath, when the cigars are lit and the kitchen is scrubbed hard until it looks like an operating room, the restaurant slows down its heartbeat. And if instead of leaving, you stay nearby, a few meters from the door, you can hear its heart beating.
Behind a new restaurant there is a cloud of dreams and a team in the dining room that has gathered in the morning, when we have not yet come to eat. They share the illusion of making the diner happy. You should know that they talk about us when we have sat down, that they come up to us if we ask for seconds or if we choose that wine, the one that only those who know how to drink between the lines ask for. Behind a restaurant, the best new restaurant in a city like Madrid, there are some suppliers who one day received a call from the chef to get them excited about the project. “Keep that Wagyu tongue you showed me one day, how often do you think you can bring me one? The price doesn’t matter. And it’s not true, because the price does matter. Because the dream is made of ideas that one day you saw to one of your teachers, of partners, of awards that will come, of famous customers who don’t know how to eat but who go and of people who save to go and eat your dreams, and those are your favorites.
Behind a new restaurant there is a “madman” who builds a wine list for pairing and a designer who draws a logo. And the Bear and the Strawberry Tree, and a printer who prints the menu, and the banker who bets on everything. And an owner, or two, one with a great reputation as a restaurateur in the forum, which today is the capital of the world. And the other, almost a patron, who has eaten in the best restaurants and who shares with the chef and the team that creative dream that will change Madrid. And also the editor of this magazine, who dedicates his cover to highlighting all those dreams and shouting to the world: Come in and eat, and be happy!