Toma Nota

Drinking and eating gluten-free isn’t easy

Asparagus with Lemons Adentro Alimentacion Alimentación Alimento Alimentos Arrangement Arreglo Asparagus officinalis Bodegon Bodegones Bodegón Citrus limon Coleccion de alimentos Colección de alimentos Comestible Comestibles Comida Cruda Crudas Crudo Crudos De interior De interiores Dentro Esparrago Espárrago Fondo de madera Foodcollection Fotografia de interiores Fotografía de interiores Fresca Frescas Fresco Frescos Fruta Fruta citrica Fruta cítrica Frutas Frutas citricas Frutas cítricas Frutas tropicales Fruto Fruto citrico Fruto cítrico Fruto sureno Fruto sureño Frutos surenos Frutos sureños Grabacion en estudio Grabaciones en estudio Grabación en estudio Hortalizas Indoor Indoors Ingrediente Ingredientes Interior Limon Limones Limón Naturaleza muerta Nuevo Nuevos Producto alimenticio Recien Recién Rodaja de limon Rodaja de limón Rodajas de limon Rodajas de limón Royalty Free Sin cocer Studio Shot Studioshot Subsuelo de madera Suelo de madera Tipo de esparrago Tipo de espárrago Tipos de esparrago Tipos de espárrago Toma de interiores Tronco del esparrago Tronco del espárrago Troncos de los esparragos Troncos de los espárragos Varias Varias cosas Varios Varios objetos Verde Verdes Verdura germinada Verduras Vista interior

Between 1 in 100 and 1 in 300 people in the world are coeliacs, according to the World Gastroenterology Organisation. Each day more cases are diagnosed and eating a gluten-free diet is not getting any easier.

On such a day as today we are going to help you out a bit for those coeliacs and family members out there. Today Spain celebrated National Celiac Day and we present you with some simple recipes that will make for a well-rounded and delicious dinner with no gluten! We present our proposed menu:

To drink: if you like beer but you can’t normally drink it, here we present two options perfect for coeliacs:

– Estrella Damm: Daura. It’s the closest thing you are going to find to the original flavour, since it is made with real barley but with levels that are under the allowed threshold.

– Epic Brewing Company: Glutenator. This is an American beer made with black rice, sweet potato, molasses and millet. With citric and floral hops.

Main course.

Courgette soup: this is a classic and simple recipe that can be prepared many different ways and can be accompanied by many gluten-free products. We love it for every occasion.

Second course.

Wild asparagus with Parmesan cheese: although this menu may begin to seem more for a vegetarian than for a coeliac, we have chosen a second course with no meat because it’s also amongst our favourites. Complete with asparagus, mushrooms, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice,…


Flourless chocolate cake: made with natural cocoa and eggs, this cake is made with no gluten and is delicious.

Raspberry sorbet with whipped cream and meringue: if you don’t like chocolate try this other option, the lightness of the meringue over the sorbet will surprise you.